Legal consult
Are you having legal issues, but doubting which steps to take next? In a legal consultancy report I will analyse your situation in order to provide a clear report with answers to your questions. You will also receive a non-binding advice for possible next steps.

Legal Assistance
Are you in search of legal representation in an agreement or a dispute? Please look through my specialities and feel free to plan a intake meeting in order to further discuss your case.

Are you in search of legal support within you company on a flexible basis? Then please click below for more information about my interim services or to come in contact and discuss the possibilities.

Legal training
Would you like to update the knowledge in your company?
Discover the possible training and courses I can provide in the legal field. From a one-time training to a tailor-made program.

Legal subscription
Does your company regularly have legal work? Then an ongoing subscription might be something for you. For a fixed amount per month you will be assured of continuous legal services.

Would you like to have a contract drawn up? Or perhaps have an existing document legally reviewed? Then please click below for more information or schedule a free intake.